Tuesday, March 4, 2008

love it

OK. so the last post i accidentally posted on my "real" blog. It's not the latest blog site I've been using but people still visit it i guess because someone had commented on it. I always contemplated using firefox for my normal blog and IE for this one but I figured I was too cautious to mess up. BLAH!! And obviously the day I mess up someone actually reads my blog. And a boy at that. A boy from church. Great. Got some damage control to do. Or maybe I should just totally ignore it ever happened. I am too embarrassed. Whatever. I'm glad I had a panic attack only 24 hours later and removed it before another pair of innocent eyes had to read about how my nipples are doing after surgery.

Speaking of my nipples....I CAN FEEL THEM! I just realized this a few minutes ago. Not just from the inside but when I touch them! Wow. Wasn't expecting this for a few more weeks! This is such good news. I'm happy the healing is going so well!

The post-op appointment went well. Doc said I could sleep on my side and also have a drink ;). Everything is going well he said. ALTHOUGH, he did have to do some "draining" today. Apparently I had some fluid collect on the sides on my breasts and and he had to use this syringe to take it out. It looked big but I hardly looked to see what it was, I was too nervous. I could hardly feel anything when he drained out my right breast but the left one hurt. It's a necessary evil, I suppose.

Anyway. It seems the healing is all going as predicted. Doc said he got my pathology back today and that it was normal - I have no clue what that means but it sounds good.

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