Thursday, March 6, 2008

2 weeks

Tomorrow it will be two weeks since the surgery. Wow. My healing process has been so great - my breasts are starting to take some decent, "normal" form and shape, I've gotten all feeling back in my nipples already, my stitches are dissolving, I've been sleeping on my side and best of all I can now have a drink or two :). I've been taking pictures to keep track of the process, it will be really neat to see the progress over the next few months.

I didn't take enough before pictures, I wish I did but that's okay. I'm definitely forgetting what it was like to be a 32H. It's strange, but very good. I feel like this is so right. This is how it SHOULD be and now it finally is. It's been such a great experience so far, I'm so glad I made this decision.

On a side note, I am getting tired of wearing the surgical bra, I just want to start wearing the fun bras already! But all in good time. I'm so happy to be where I am today. Just this past summer this was nothing but a vague idea and now it's all done and over with, for the most part anyway. It's been just over four months since I made up my mind about this. That's a pretty short time now that I think about it. But when you know it's time it just is. Things worked out so well and God was definitely moving things along flawlessly. It's amazing when you know that you're being taken care of and I've definitely been feeling that way. This is would be such a hard thing if there had been complications or issues and there have been ZERO. None, whatsoever. I am so thankful for that.

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